COOLPULSE ™ by Extrude Hone at Technology Days.
Technology Days are coming soon to Extrude Hone. Featuring COOLPULSE ™.
May 17th-18th in Holzgünz Germany!
- 3D printed Turbine wheel in Inconel 718 surface finishing.
- Awesome results and fast processing.
- Up skin Rz down from 44.92µm to 7.35µm Ra down from 6.82µm to 1.86µm
- Down skin Rz down from 83.88µm to 16.07µm Ra down from 11.95µ to 3.51µm
Presentations and live demo will be performed during the Technology Days on various metal 3D components.
Stay tuned for more information about COOLPULSE ™!
More Information on COOLPULSE ™ Processing For Metal 3D Printing Components Here: